
Forum May

'Circulation of Health through the Veins of Nature’ - 4

from: Hazrat Inayat Khan:

'Healing Papers'

(see also Counsellor)

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People often ask why should human beings suffer and make sacrifices for God. When their suffering and sacrifice is over they will find that though they began to do so for God, in the end it proved to be for themselves.

It is the foolishly selfish human being who is selfish; the wisely selfish human being proves to be selfless.

This consciousness is attained by self-realization. First we must realize ourselves and find out of what we are composed. We are composed of spirit and matter. We consist, in ourselves, of the mineral, vegetable, and animal worlds, the jinn and the angel; and it is our task to balance all these, knowing that we have been created neither to be as spiritual as an angel, nor to be as material as an animal. When we strike the happy medium we will certainly tread the path which is meant for a human being to tread, the path which leads straight to the goal. ‘Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way’ - narrow because any step taken on either side will lead to some other path.

Balance is the keynote of Inner attainment.

The soul of the whole of creation is one, the life behind all these ever-moving phantoms is one. Meditation on this truth and the awakening to it will harmonize the condition of the world.

And when the soul begins to see the truth it is born again. To such a soul all that seems truth to an average person appears false, and what seems truth to this soul means nothing to the average person. All that seems to the average person to be important and precious in life has no value nor importance at all for this soul. Thus she naturally finds herself alone in a crowd which lives in a world quite different from that in which she lives. Imagine living in a world where nobody speaks our language. Yet she can live in the world, for she knows its language, although life in the world is as unprofitable to her as the world of children playing with their toys is to a grown-up person.

Prophets and great mystics have come to the world from time to time, as the physician comes to help the patient whose health is disordered; and when the great ones have come they have brought a new life to the world, given to the organism of the universe to help it to run smoothly. The Sufis have always existed as human beings of the Inner Life, and their lives have been devoted to meditation and spiritual practices. What have they learnt from these meditations?

They have learnt the essence of everything, the oneness or unity; and it is by thinking about unity, by realizing it, and by living it that a human being fulfills the purpose of life.

Seas, rivers and streams have many names,

but they all contain water;

and religions have various names,

but they all contain the same truth, poured into words,

in different forms at different times.


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