Page 2 - ScaredRabbits
P. 2

„The best method of teaching children is to teach them with stories. There are fables that
              interest children very much, and also there is a meaning to understand. If the guardians will
              explain  to  them  the  meaning  that  is  in  that  fable  the  children  will  become  still  more
              interested in it, and at the same time they will learn something. A story need not be always
              very  instructive;  even  grownͲup  people  do  not  like  that.  The  most  interesting  story  for
              children is a funny story; and if one can put some little meaning into a comical story, that is
              the  best  thing  one  can  do.  They  remember  it,  and  at  the  same  time  the  sense  remains
              concealed  in  the  story;  and  as  they  grow  the  sense  begins  to  emerge,  and  one  day  they
              understand what it means.

              There is a fable of a donkey and a camel. Once a donkey went to a camel and said, 'Camel
              Uncle, I would like very much to go grazing with you.' The camel said, 'Yes, I will come with
              you  tomorrow.'  And  so  they  went  into  a  field.  It  took  a  long  time  for  the  camel  to  feed
              himself, but the donkey fed himself very quickly. After the donkey had finished his dinner he
              said, 'Camel Uncle, I am so happy, first to have your friendship and then to be here in the
              field. I feel like singing and I would very much like you to dance.' The camel said, 'I have not
              yet finished my meal but you seem to be ready.' 'Well', said the donkey, 'if you are not ready
              I will try my voice'. And the donkey began to try his voice. And the farmer came with a stick
              in his hand, but the donkey jumped out of the way and the camel was beaten.

              When next day the donkey went to invite Uncle Camel, the camel said, 'I am too ill; your way
              is different and my way is different. From today we will part.“

              This story shows the sense of friendship between the one who is dignified and the one who
              has no sense of dignity“

                                  From ‚The Art of Personality’ by Hazrat Inayat Khan


                                With deep gratitude to Hidayat and Aziza InayatͲKhan,
                             without them this composition would not have been possible.
                       With loving gratitude to Alicia Vargas for the ‚mirror’ and the video work,
                          to the ARCHE child care Zurich and the ABZͲhousing commission for
                        giving us the ‘playground’ for free, the hall at the Kanzleistrasse Zurich.

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